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Prendi il codice di riflessione del fine settimana

This week again went by way too fast. Do I say that at the beginning of every WR post? Probabilmente.

My doctor’s appointment or should I say, doctor’s disappointment was on Tuesday. I got there, filled out the paperwork for new patients and was told at the window that my medical would not cover the cost of the appointment. I said that was a bunch of bull because I just fixed our income on Monday with my case worker. I told the gal at the window that I shouldn’t have any share of cost. then she said that my medical only covered pregnancy appointments. I replied, “That’s why I am here!” I told her my situation about being nearly five months pregnant and due to our whole lack of insurance it took me a long time to get medical so I didn’t get around to seeing a doctor until now. To make a long story short, they do not handle pregnancies at the Sacramento family medical Clinic. She gave me a phone number for an OB and sent me on my way. I hate government insurance. I think I am going to go into more detail about this on my political blog.

This week was so busy that I didn’t get a chance to write in my other blog. I did however create a “test template blog” so I could give this one a makeover. I’m still playing with the colors, adding and editing my widgets, creating a new siggie, and new buttons. once all of that is complete I will launch the new look.

Back to the whole doctor’s appointment/ medical situation…I called the OB clinic right away and my appointment is on Monday. My mother in law knows where the clinic is located and she offered to take me there. grazie a Dio! I can’t stand driving around in this big city, especially on unfamiliar roads.

Chris worked another 40 hours which was great. I’m still wondering how they can switch their hours to full time and get away with not offering any benefits. I was told that it was temporary, but he’s done this for quite a few weeks now. We’ve both been stressed out and concerned about each other. So when we finally got our tax refund from the federal government yesterday I went out and got him a card that said how much I love him (and wrote a sappy letter to go along with it) and he got me a bottle of non alcoholic wine and fresh flowers. No, this was not planned. He had no idea that I had gotten him the card and I didn’t know anything about the flowers and wine. Che coincidenza.

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Courtney had a terrific week at school. We got into a heated discussion on the way to school the other day. I am concerned because she is 12 years old and does not have any common sense. For example, she was getting a plate down one evening and noticed that there was a glass right in front of the plate. instead of moving the glass before getting the plate down she tried to take the plate out and slide it over the top of the glass. What do you think happened? You are right, she knocked the glass over and it broke. Here’s another example. We were getting ready to leave for school one morning. As I was helping her sister put her shoes on I told Courtney to put her brother in the car. She stood there dumbfounded with her backpack, lunch and a couple of other things she needed for school in her hands. then she walked around the house chasing her brother. Um, we were leaving. I had to tell her to put her stuff in the van then go and get her brother. You’d think that a 12 year old could figure that out for herself. Non mio. The problem is she daydreams way too much. She isn’t aware of the world around her because she is stuck in her what I call, “little bubble.” On the way to school that day I told her that if this continues she will never be able to learn common sense. people develop common sense by observing what is going on around them. Courtney does not know how to listen to people and she doesn’t pay attention to what they are doing. but she is a strait A student and listens to her teacher all the time. I don’t get it. I also informed her that if she daydreams in front of her peers they are going to get the wrong impression of her and think that she is selfish and self centered. Of course she took all of this way too personally and almost cried on the way to school. Isn’t it my job as her mother to teach her how to be a better person?

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Ciara’s behavior improved this week. I think it was due to the nice weather we had. She loves to play outside. but we are still having problems keeping our clothes on. I swear this girl likes to change outfits every few hours. and in between she would rather run around in her birthday suit! This drives me nuts and I always have to take something away from her in order to get her to listen. For example we had cookies which is something I don’t frequently purchase. So one day I told her if she didn’t put some clothes on Conan was getting a cookie and she wasn’t. This parenting strategy worked! I think it only took her 2 minutes to put those clothes on. In preschool we learned the letter D, the number 4, and all about plants and spring.

Conan is so funny and he is soaking everything up. His is now only talking in complete sentences. You can understand about every word he says very clearly. It is remarkable how quickly my little guy learns. during preschool one day I did the counting flashcards with both children and Conan counted all the way up to 20 right along with us. He is also getting more and more interested in going potty. His grandparents have diapers and pull ups for their grand kids. When he was over there the other day he found the boys’ “Cars” pull ups. Conan loves Cars. He told his dad that he wanted to wear one of those. So Chris told him he had to go pee pee on the potty first. Conan went right into the bathroom and Chris put him on the potty. then he peed! but because he is a boy the pee pee went all over the bathroom. I wasn’t there at the time, but I bet it was a big mess. So, Conan got to wear a pull up. I just have to be more consistent with him but I think he is getting the idea.

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Five minutes For mom is hosting the ultimate blog party this week so I am going to be busy blog hopping and networking with new Moms. I apologize to entrecard readers if I don’t get around to dropping your card. If you are reading this coming from the UBP let me know so I can read your party post! Don’t forget to join in on this meme. I would love to hear about your week!

Sorry I don’t have any photos attached to this today. I am writing on the lap top and all my photos are on our desktop. maybe I will add some later.

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