You’re seeing about half of it. I’m taking the photo from the doorway.

My baby sleeps in a windowless closet. For reals. considering that we moved to a bigger house this past summer, he no longer shares his bedroom with my office, but he didn’t get any a lot more space in the bargain. let me take you on a tour.

Panorama view of our tiny nursery makes it look HUGE

Though it is a rather large closet, it is a extremely small bedroom. If you stand in the middle of it, you can touch every piece of furniture. To your immediate ideal against the wall is the full-size crib; but, don’t trip over the glider getting there. underneath the crib, we have plastic bins for outgrown clothes and out-of-season-stuff. Behind the glider hides the perma-iPod that functions as a white noise maker and a video monitor aimed at the baby’s sleeping face (that we stopped using months ago).

Straight ahead is the small set of cubbies I gotten from Target that holds books, toys, wipes, burp cloths, a coaster for baby bottles, and a small lamp (also from Target). As you can see, the stuff we need to get hold of for diaper changes is to the left and what we want for storytime is to the right.

To your left is the changing table. We keep all the diapers and supplies in the top drawer so they are within easy reach of the adult but not the kicking feet of the baby. Anche? No need to mount any shelves on the wall. [Side note for interested germaphobes: I pretend that the froggy changing pad cover helps folks know which end the baby’s head is meant to be rather than his bum. I’m sure it absolutely works.]

Next to the changing table is the laundry bin and garbage cans. because we compost diapers, we have one diaper pail for those and another trash for regular garbage.

And that’s it. now we’ve spun all the way back to the beginning again. I tried to use my phone’s panorama perspective to capture the entire room at once.

It is not HUGE

This photo cracks me up because the incredibly long perspective makes it nearly look big. and the wobble around the kids shows how completely unable I am to hold the cam in a straight line. So, don’t worry, it’s a standard glider and the kids are just fine.

The noise-minimizing rug is 5×7 and nearly fills the room. I added it to absorb some baby sounds; it kinda works. and I’m sure on some level the “no windows” is getting Sawyer to sleep later.

Do you have any a lot more ideas for my incredibly little baby room?

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